
BY LAWS (As Amended June, 2020)

Article 1 PURPOSE

The objectives of the International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods are:
-to create an international link between national societies, associations, and groups for
Rorschach and Projective Techniques in order to facilitate scientific exchanges among
specialists, practitioners and researchers in the field;
-to ensure publication of the journal, Rorschachiana, a newsletter, or other such
periodicals as may be designated by the Executive Board or the Assembly of
-to maintain an archives of publications concerning the Rorschach and Projective
Methods, and endeavour to make them accessible to members.


The International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods is a non-profit
organization as defined by Article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code. It is located in Switzerland.
The address of the Society can be transferred to another country by decision of the Assembly
of Delegates on recommendation of the Executive Board.
2.1 The Society does not assume any responsibility for a professional or commercial use of
Society membership by individuals. Membership in the Society in no way implies
professional competence.
2.2 The Society recognizes as the only legitimate inkblots constituting the Rorschach Test
those produced and published by Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe of Bern, Switzerland.


The International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods is composed of collective
members, including a group of individual members, and honorary members.
3.1 Collective members can be national societies, associations, federations, or
groups whose application for membership has been approved according to the procedure
described in Article 4 of the present by-laws.
3.2 Individual members are those individuals who do not belong to a national society
for some legitimate reason. Individual members must be approved by the Executive Board.
Individual members constitute their own group. ISR Bylaws 2020 2/8
3.3 Honorary members are persons who contribute or have contributed in an outstanding
manner to the cause of the International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods and
who have been elected by the Assembly of Delegates on recommendation of the Executive
Board. Honorary members are exempted from dues.


The procedures for admission are:
4.1 Societies, associations and groups must apply for admission according to the
application formula described in the Rules of Procedure. The application is examined by the
Executive Board, which makes a recommendation to the Assembly of Delegates. Admission
must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Assembly of Delegates with a quorum present.
If the application is received in either of the two years prior to the year in which a
Congress will be held, the Board, will grant provisional admission and conduct an email
ballot with voting delegates so that formal admission may occur prior to the next meeting of
the Assembly of Delegates. If the application is received during the year in which a Congress
will be held, action on the application will be taken during the meeting of the Assembly of
4.2 Individual members must apply for admission according to the application formula
described in the Rules of Procedure and explicate the reasons for their not belonging to a
national society, association or group. Their application is examined by the Executive Board.
Individual members must be approved by unanimous vote of the Executive Board.


Membership is terminated due to:
a) Resignation
b) Dissolution of the national society, association or group
c) Death in the case of individual members
d) Non-payment of annual dues according to the terms defined in the Rules of
e) Violation of By-laws or professional ethics upon two-thirds vote of the Assembly
of Delegates. Reasons for such action shall be stated in the Minutes of the Assembly.

Article 6 FINANCES

   6.1 Financial policy shall be established by the Assembly of Delegates.
6.2 The Treasurer shall report to the Assembly of Delegates on the financial state of the
Society. In addition, the Treasurer shall report annually to the Executive Board, which shall
approve the annual report and budget.
6.3 The President has the authority to sign off on all payments decided by the Executive
Board ISR Bylaws 2020 3/8
6.4 Income of the Society includes
a) annual dues
b) any grants from States, Departments, Districts
c) any donations by foundations, member societies and other authorized sources
d) any excess revenue from publications
e) all or part of the excess revenue realized by Congresses (see article 9).
f) any other source authorized by laws and rules.
Dues of the member societies and federations are calculated according to a sliding scale based
on the number of the members in the society or federation, and are fixed by the Assembly of
Delegates. The Scale appears in the Rules of Procedure. Dues for individual members are
fixed by the Assembly of Delegates.


The International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods is governed by the
Assembly of Delegates and the Executive Board.
7.1 The Assembly of Delegates is composed of all delegates of member societies and
delegate(s) of the group of individual members. The Assembly of Delegates meets at the time
of the Congress. It is presided over by the President of the International Society of the
Rorschach and Projective Methods who is assisted by the Executive Board. In case a
Congress is unexpectedly adjourned or cancelled, an Assembly of Delegates may be held by
means of electronic communication techniques.
The Assembly of Delegates is the final authority of the Society including, but not limited to:
a) the orientation of the society
b) election and oversight of the Executive Board
c) financial policy, including setting of the annual dues
Provided the quorum is attained and except as otherwise noted, decisions are made by a
majority of votes by show of hands and by nominal ballots for the elections. Only delegates
who are present at the Assembly are eligible to vote; voting by proxy is not permitted.
Between congresses voting may be conducted by email ballot except during the final year
before a Congress.
Procedures for Board members elections are described in the Rules of Procedures.
Half of the total number of delegates shall constitute a quorum.
Only Delegates (or their designated Alternate) and the President have voting rights. In case of
a tie vote, the President has the deciding vote. Vote by proxy is not admitted.
7.2 Executive Board
a) The Executive Board (hereinafter, “the Board”) is composed of nine voting
members plus several ex-officio (non-voting) members. The nine voting members
consist of five officers: the President, the Past President, two Vice-Presidents, and the ISR Bylaws 2020 4/8
Executive Secretary, plus four Members-at-large. The ex-officio members include the
Treasurer, the Curator or Associate Curator of the Rorschach Archives and Museum,
the Editor of RORSCHACHIANA, the Editor of the BULLETIN, the Webmaster of
the Society’s website, the head of the Continuing Education Committee, the
President/Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the next Congress, and the
Director of Hans Huber Verlag. The Executive Board may, from time to time, add or
remove ex-officio (non-voting) positions to the Board at its discretion.
b) The Executive Board is in charge of the daily functioning of the Society according
to the decisions and directions of the Assembly of Delegates,
c) The Executive Board develops and modifies the Rules of Procedure in accordance
with the expressed intentions of the Assembly of Delegates.
d) Non-attendance at a meeting by a voting Board member will be considered grounds
for expulsion unless the President regards the non-attendance as having just cause.
Non-attendance to the Executive Board twice during a term will be considered as a
resignation, and the office will be declared vacant. Two-thirds vote of the remaining
members of the Executive Board shall be required to expel a Board member for other
e) In the case of a vacancy on the Board, the President designates a replacement until
the next election.
f) The Board meets at least once every year on the President’s notice or at the request
of one-third of its members. Except as otherwise noted, decisions are made by a
majority of voting members in attendance.
7.3 – A – Officers
1. President
calls the Assemblies of Delegates and the meetings of the Executive Board, and
presides at them.
The President represents the Society and is invested with all powers to that effect.
2. First Vice-President
a. substitutes for the President in all functions if the latter is unable to do so.
b. Performs such other tasks as may be delegated by the President or the Board.
3. Second Vice-President
a. Substitutes for the First Vice-President if the latter is unable to perform the duties,
b. Is second in line to substitute for the President if both President and First VicePresident are unable to perform the duties
c. Performs such other tasks as may be delegated by the President or the Board. ISR Bylaws 2020 5/8
4. Secretary
a. is in charge of all correspondence and documents of the Society.
b. Maintains Minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and Assembly of
Delegates. Such Minutes or a summary thereof shall be published annually in the
Society’s newsletter
c. Performs such other tasks as may be delegated by the President or the Board.
5. Treasurer (ex-officio, non-voting)
a. Is responsible for the maintenance of the account books
b. Receives funds on behalf of the Society and disburses funds at the direction of the
President as approved by the Board.
c. Reports annually to the Board and to the Assembly of Delegates on the financial
condition of the Society
6. Members-at-large
Perform such tasks as may be delegated by the President or the Board, including
chairing ad hoc committees.
7. Past-President
Ensures continuity of the ISR policy and respect of its by-laws.
7.3 – B – Ex officio members
1. The Curator of the Rorschach Archives and Museum.
a. Is in charge of the Rorschach Archives and Museum
b. Is assisted by the Associate Curator
c. Reports annually to the Board
2. The Editor of Rorschachiana
a. Is in charge of the publication Rorschachiana
b. Reports annually to the Board
3. The Editor of the Bulletin
a. Is in charge of the Bulletin
b. Reports annually to the Board
4. The head of the Continuing Education Committee
a. Organizes the Summer Seminars
b. Reports annually to the Board ISR Bylaws 2020 6/8
5. The webmaster of the Society’s website
a. Manages the website under the direction of the Board
b. Reports annually to the Board
6. The President/Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the next Congress
a. Plans the scientific and social program of the Congress in close collaboration
with the Board
b. Is responsible for the finances of the Congress
7. The Director of Hogrefe Verlag.
7.4 Eligibility requirements for election to the Executive Board
Officers (except Treasurer, who is appointed by the Board)
a) Possesses a doctoral degree or equivalent as determined by the Election Committee.
b) Has been a member of the International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods for
at least five years or has served as a Delegate to the Assembly of Delegates.
c) Has demonstrated significant contributions in Rorschach and/or Projective Methods
d) Persons completing two consecutive terms as President, Vice President, or Secretary
are not eligible to be candidates for that same position for at least three years.
a) Is a member of the International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods
b) Has demonstrated significant contributions in Rorschach and/or Projective Methods
c) Persons completing two consecutive terms as Member-at-Large are not eligible to be
candidates for that position again for at least three years.
7.5 Term of elected positions
The President and the voting members of the Executive Board are elected for a term of three
years or until the next Congress, renewable once, by the Assembly of Delegates, according to
the Rules of Procedure.
The new Executive Board and the new Delegates begin their term at the end of the Congress
at which they were elected.
7.6 Composition of the Executive Board
Composition of the Executive Board must reflect the diversity of the membership of the ISR
The elected officers of the Executive Board shall belong to different organizations and be
from different countries, with the exception that an elected officer may be from the same
country or society as the Past-President.
The four Members-at large shall belong to different organizations and be from different
countries.ISR Bylaws 2020 7/8
7.7 Should a change that leads to a violation of the above rules occur after an election, the
officer or Member-at-Large concerned will have to resign and the President will designate a
replacement until the next Assembly of Delegates
Should a Delegate be elected to the executive Board, the Society he/she represents will
designate a new Delegate.


The Board maintains responsibility for the publication of the Society’s scientific journal. This
responsibility is delegated to the Editor, who is approved by the Board and serves at the
Board’s and publisher’s pleasure. The Editor is responsible for the overall management of the
journal including appointment of the Editorial Board, determination of content, negotiating
with the publisher, and financial arrangements. The Editor reports annually to the Board on
the operation of the Journal, including the content of upcoming issues.

Article 9 CONGRESS

The Society shall hold an international congress every three years, or at a different interval as
determined by the Assembly of Delegates. Congresses shall normally be held in different
countries from congress to congress. The Board selects a member society to organize the
Congress upon receipt of proposals. The respective financial, scientific and organizational
responsibilities for a Congress are determined through an agreement between the Board and
the Organizing Committee of the Congress. At times, the Board may decide to keep full
responsibility in the organization of a congress and appoint an organizing committee.


Dissolution of the Society can only be decided by an Extraordinary Meeting of the Assembly
of Delegates, called by a two-thirds vote of the Board. A quorum of delegates must be
present and decisions of the Extraordinary Assembly are made by two-thirds vote.
In case of dissolution, pronounced by the Assembly, the latter decides on the disposition of
the financial balance and of the Archives.


Amendments to the By-laws may be proposed either by the Executive Board or by at least
two thirds of the Delegates. The proposed amendments must be sent by the Secretary to all
the Delegates at least four months prior to the date of the Assembly of Delegates, which has
the sole power to amend the By-laws. Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds vote
of those delegates present provided a quorum is present. The amendments to the By-laws
become valid at the time of approval. ISR Bylaws 2020 8/8


Except as otherwise noted, meetings of the Assembly of Delegates and the Executive Board
shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

By-laws adopted on July 22, 1990 in Paris; amended on July 18, 1993 in Lisbon;
amended on July 7, 1996 in Boston; amended by mail ballot March, 1998; amended by
mail ballot April, 2001; amended on September 9, 2002 in Rome; amended on July 14,
2014 in Istanbul, amended June 22, 2020 by electronic vote.