Donations to support the Grant for Students and Young Professionals
After some deliberations about different kinds of potential donations, the Board has unanimously endorsed the idea of creating a grant for students and young professionals with limited financial means who wish to attend ISR activities.
As mentioned by Bruce Smith in his 2011 Presidential Message, training in the field of the Rorschach and projective methods continues to be threatened. While some countries enjoy a healthy growth of both courses and students in the domain, many others have seen the importance of psychological assessment shrink within graduate programs. The trend should worry all of us.
As teachers and trainers, our experience has been that students and young professionals need to see experts at work. They may have little knowledge about projective methods, they may even have reservations about these instruments, yet when they see professionals at work and witness the in-depth analysis that is possible with these tests, they are mostly captivated. What is often missing is the opportunity.
Over the years, many colleagues have raised the issue of younger professionals or students with limited means who can’t afford to participate in ISR scientific activities. We will be inviting all our membership to participate in this new effort. Hence, all registration forms (be it for the International Congress or the Summer Seminars) will contain an additional line for entering a donation to the Grant.
Since we are in the opening stages of the project, procedures regarding the selection of beneficiaries are still being discussed. Nevertheless, preliminary steps include creating a Grant Committee which will examine requests and identify priorities and defining requirements for the beneficiaries, such as having no other funding for the activity and being sponsored by an ISR member.
The ISR Board believes this initiative will encourage newcomers and first-time presenters who might then decide to come back, again and again, like most of us.
Your participation is highly appreciated and will contribute to grooming the next generation of experts in projective methods.
To support the Grant for Students and Young Professionals, please click here to download the ISR Donations Form.