XXIII Congress of the ISR – Postponed to 2022
11-15th July 2022
Double Commemoration:
Centenary of the Creation of the Inkblots and Centenary Tribute to Hermann Rorschach
Because of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, the Board of the ISR decided last year to postpone the ISR Centenary Congress from 2021 to 2022.
Our main goal is to organize a great Congress, without undue health and financial risks, for the benefit of all participants and the ISR. Of course, we hope the coronavirus pandemic will be over by next summer, but even if so, the consequences of it, such as more restricted travel, people’s financial hardship, and reluctance to travel are likely to continue for some time beyond the medical issues, and so the Board is currently determining the possibility of holding a “hybrid” congress with some participants joining online via the Internet and other attending the venue on site in Geneva, Switzerland.
This year, 2021, is a very important anniversary date for the International Rorschach Society (100 years since the publication of the inkblots), and although the Congress has been postponed, the Organizing Committee is working on projects and activities that will take place in 2021, and that will keep us all in contact and prepare us for the 2022 Congress.
Moreover, as 2022 is the centenary anniversary of Hermann Rorschach’s death, the new date will give us an opportunity to have a double commemoration of both the publication of his “Psychodiagnostik” and 10 cards, as well as his life. This special Centenary Congress is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to celebrate the past and actively create the future! By chance or by fate we happen to be alive right at this special time, so come and celebrate with us the incredible impact of Hermann Rorschach’s work and help us brainstorm how to take his legacy into the future.
For more detailed information, please visit the Congress website at rorschachgeneva2021.org.
Do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter in order to get further information about the 2022 Congress and other activities.
My period as President of the ISR will shortly be coming to a close, and I would like to thank all of you for your support over these seven years. I will continue to be in touch with you as Co-President, along with Sadegh Nashat, of the XXIII Congress Organizing Committee.
Please stay safe and healthy and I look forward to working with you on a wonderful ISR 2022 Congress!
Noriko Nakamura
ISR President
June 23rd, 2021